Best Care &Specialist Support Coordination. Positive Behaviour Support. Lotus Support Coordination Services  Why Choose Us. Best Care & Working with Children and young persons.
Best Care &Specialist Support Coordination.
Get the right support you need for your complex needs with our professional and Allied health team.
Positive Behaviour Support.
Prevention and reduction of challenging behaviour by improving the quality of life of the participants and those around them.
Lotus Support Coordination Services Why Choose Us.
We use a Human Rights and strength-based model ensuring we provide the best service in line with the NDIS.
Best Care & Working with Children and young persons.
All staff working for LSCS are required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of children and young people.

Participant Charter

About NDIS

Working With Children

Service Access

Diversity + Participation



Specialist Support Coordination

Addresses situations where a specialist is required.

Positive Behaviour Support

Improving the quality of life of participants and beyond.


Support Coordination

Get the most out of your NDIS plan ensuring services deliver on your needs.

Recovery Coaches

Mental Health is not a destination but a process. Its about how you drive, not where you are going.


Lotus Support Coordination Services (LSCS)

LSCS is a standard and licensed disability support provider that provides services in both Victoria and Queensland. We are a disability service provider that manages NDIS registered participants. LSCS is owned by professionals who have worked within the disability and mental health industry for more than 15 years and we provide specialist professionals that have experience in particular areas of service coordination such as but not limited to support coordination for individuals that have complex need in mental health.

LSCS supports its clients to ensure they get the best quality of life through service coordination for those who need an extra hand to be able to access the services and be able to thrive and continue to be active members of the community.

Service Quality

We are an NDIS Registered Provider

As an NDIS Registered Provider, LSCS complies with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Framework. The NDIS Practice Standards are quality standards that govern how Registered NDIS providers must deliver services. LSCS is committed to delivering services in compliance with these standards and in continuously improving its service delivery. We operate in accordance with comprehensive policies and procedures, which are reviewed regularly and incorporate participant and other stakeholder feedback.

Uphold Rights of participants

Advocate for Diversity and Participation

Interpreting and Translation for effective communication

Safeguard Privacy and Confidentiality


We currently provide services for Victoria and Queensland.

Make an Appointment

    Accessing LSCS services is easy

    Service Access Pathway

    Eligibility Criteria

    Participants may have reported mental, emotional, psychological, sensory, physical or psychiatric impairments attributable to a condition. Or if participant meets the criteria for early intervention, they may be eligible for early intervention interventions to mitigate potential care needs and strengthen or avoid functional capability degradation.

    Permanent and Significant

    When a individual needs assistance in undertakings such as communication, social contact, independence, self-care, self-management or learning due to a persistent and severe impairment that significantly decreases cognitive capability or psychosocial functioning.

    Referral Received by LSCS

    Within 48 hours we contact participant and meeting for assessment will be conducted within 5 days of the initial contact. Participants should expect to receive feedback about their evaluation within 7 days of assessment. We're here to support your journey to better health.